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【2019-10-11 龍馬奮進——學術論壇】The Effects of IFRS 9 on Loan Loss Recognition Timeliness: Early Evidence

作者: | 發布日期:2019-10-08| 浏覽次數:

講座人:Chong Wang

講座主題:The Effects of IFRS 9 on Loan Loss Recognition Timeliness: Early Evidence

摘要:Using international banks from 33 countries, we examine the impact of IFRS 9 on loan loss recognition timeliness. Using a difference-in-differences empirical specification, our results reveal that the adoption of IFRS 9 increases the timeliness of loan loss recognition. Consistent with this standard impacting banks that were previously more reluctant to record loan losses, we find that this positive effect is more pronounced when banks with less loan loss reserves prior to IFRS 9 adoption. In addition, we find that the positive effect is greater for banks with riskier profiles and weaker external monitoring, suggesting that banks that are likely to be more subjected to more future loan losses are being made to be more timely in accruing for loan losses as a result of IFRS 9 adoption. Overall, our paper provides an early insight into an important accounting standard that revolutionizes banks’ accounting for their loan losses and that could have broader effects on the banking system and the broader economy.



講座人簡介:王沖(Chong Wang),香港理工大學會計與金融學院助理教授,博士畢業于University of Kentucky(2017年)和廈門大學(2013年)。主要研究領域為會計與金融,在Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis、Journal of International Business Studies、Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance等期刊上發表論文多篇,同時擔任Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance、Journal of Banking and Finance等期刊的審稿人。
