本次會議設置主旨演講,将邀請多倫多大學盧海教授和香港中文大學楊勇教授;會議還包括論文報告及點評環節,并嵌入特設環節BAR session。The British Accounting Review(《英國會計評論》,BAR)為會計學國際知名學術期刊,享有卓越的國際學術聲譽。
BAR session征稿要求:除滿足主體論壇征稿要求外,拟向BAR投稿、且論文屬審計領域的作者可向會務組郵箱投稿,請在郵件主題中明确“中财龍馬會議BAR session投稿”,并在郵件中承諾入選後向BAR投稿,郵件請同時抄送The British Accounting Review的共同主編郵箱(jasonxiao@um.edu.mo)。期刊編輯團隊将遴選部分相關論文進入本次會議BAR session報告。會議結束後,入選論文應根據會議上收到的意見和建議完善論文并投稿至BAR,投稿時請在Cover letter中注明論文曾入選中财龍馬會議BAR session,并附一份根據本次會議點評、建議進行修改、完善的報告。
王木之 助理教授(wangmzh@cufe.edu.cn)、林雯 助理教授(w.lin@cufe.edu.cn)
王彥超 教授(wangyanchao@cufe.edu.cn)
盧海,多倫多大學羅特曼管理學院McCutcheon國際商務講席教授、會計學教授,北京大學光華管理學院會計學教授,浙江大學學士,南加州大學馬歇爾(Marshall)商學院博士。盧海教授研究領域涉及内幕交易、證券估值、社會責任、公司治理和中國資本市場等,研究成果發表于Accounting, Organizations and Society、The Accounting Review、Contemporary Accounting Research、Journal of Accounting and Economics、Journal of Accounting Research、Review of Accounting Studies和Management Science等。盧海教授兼任光華-羅特曼信息和資本市場研究中心創始主任、Contemporary Accounting Research期刊編輯。
楊勇,香港中文大學會計學院院長、教授,北京大學學士、碩士,美國西北大學凱洛格(Kellogg)商學院會計學博士。楊勇教授研究領域涉及公司治理、信息披露、财務分析師和内幕交易等,研究成果發表于The Accounting Review、Management Science 和Review of Accounting Studies等。現為The Accounting Review和China Journal of Accounting Studies的編委會成員。楊勇教授發表于2011年的關于非财務信息和資金成本的研究于2022年獲得美國會計協會頒發的“會計文獻傑出貢獻獎”。
Call for Submissions for the 6th " Dragon-Horse Accounting and Finance Symposium"
To promote the development of Chinese economic theory and practice, enhance the international level of accounting and financial research, and build an academic exchange platform for scholars in related fields, the School of Accountancy at the Central University of Finance and Economics plans to hold the 6th Dragon-Horse Accounting and Finance Symposium on July 8, 2023. The Dragon-Horse Accounting and Finance Symposium has been successfully held for five sessions since 2017. Aiming to enhance the global attention and research on Chinese issues, we now invite manuscripts in any fields of accounting and finance.
This symposium includes parallel presentation and discussant sessions, and also include a special BAR-session, which is supported by the British Accounting Review (BAR) (ABS3).
1. Requirements
The manuscripts to submit must conform to the orientation of this symposium and should be original and unpublished. The language can be Chinese or English, the format can be Word or PDF, and the typesetting conforms to basic academic norms.
In addition, the manuscripts to be submitted to the BAR-session should be in the field of auditing and titled with the “CUFE Dragon-Horse Symposium BAR session submission” in the email. Please also copy the email to the co-editor-in-chief of The British Accounting Review (jasonxiao@um.edu.mo ). The editorial board of the journal will select some relevant manuscripts to be included in the BAR-session of this symposium. Before submitting to BAR, the selected papers should be revised according to the opinions and suggestions received at the symposium. When submitting the manuscripts, please acknowledge that the manuscript has been selected for the BAR-session of the Dragon-Horse Accounting and Finance Symposium, and attach a response based on this meeting feedback.
Keynote speakers: Prof. Hai Lu, the University of Toronto
Prof. Yong Yang, the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
2. Dates and Contacts
Deadline for submission: June 20, 2023. Please send manuscripts to: cufeconference@163.com (Please submit manuscripts in PDF or Word format, and indicate " Dragon-Horse Symposium submission"). The organization committee will invite experts to select manuscripts, and the authors will be notified of the selection results before June 25, 2023. There is no registration fee for this symposium, and all participants will be responsible for their own accommodation and transportation expenses (except for special guests).
If you have any questions about this meeting, please contact the organization committee:
Assistant Professor Muzhi Wang (wangmzh@cufe.edu.cn ), Assistant Professor Wen Lin (w.lin@cufe.edu.cn )
For special matters, please contact:
Professor Yanchao Wang (wangyanchao@cufe.edu.cn )
We eagerly look forward to your participation!
Introduction of Keynote Speakers:
Hai Lu is McCutcheon Professor in International Business and Professor of Accounting at Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, Professor of Accounting at Guanghua School of Management, Peking University. He obtained his BA degree from Zhejiang University and PhD degree from Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California. Professor Lu conducts research on insider trading, securities valuation, ESG, corporate governance, and the Chinese capital market. He is currently interested in field studies and unstructured data analysis. He has published research articles in journals such as Accounting, Organizations and Society, The Accounting Review, Contemporary Accounting Research, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Journal of Accounting Research, Review of Accounting Studies, and Management Science. Professor Lu is the founding director of Guanghua-Rotman Centre for Information and Capital Market Research and an Editor of Contemporary Accounting Research.
George Yong Yang is the Dean and Professor of School of Accountancy at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He obtained his BA and MA degrees from Peking University and PhD degree from Kellogg School of Management of Northwestern University and is a Certified Public Accountant (non-practicing) of China (CICPA). Prof. Yang has broad research interests related to various accounting and finance issues driven by agents’ economic incentives. He is particularly interested in topics on corporate governance, information disclosure, financial analysts, and insider trading. Prof. Yang has published research articles in journals such as The Accounting Review, Management Science, and Review of Accounting Studies and has been on the editorial board of The Accounting Review since 2016.
School of Accountancy
Central University of Finance and Economics
May 25, 2023