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【2022-4-21 學術論壇】

作者: | 發布日期:2022-04-20| 浏覽次數:


講座主題:The Extent of Internal Control Audits and Financial Reporting Quality: Does Company Size Matter?



摘要:Abstract: This study examines the impact of the extent of internal control (IC) audits on financial reporting quality proxied by the likelihood of financial statement misstatements. Using IC audit fees from Chinese companies to proxy for the extent of IC audit effort, we find that increased IC audit fees are associated with lower financial reporting quality. However, such effect only applies to small companies but not large companies. This effect is also stronger for small companies with financial distress. The results are consistent with the argument that auditors of small companies experience increased integration errors and confirmation bias when leveraging costly IC audits in financial statement audits, leading to poor financial reporting quality. We also find when large companies have poor internal control quality, the greater IC audit effort significantly reduces the likelihood of material misstatements, indicating the benefits of IC audits to large companies with poor internal control quality. Overall, these results suggest that it is important to consider company size when evaluating the costs and benefits of IC audits.







廖林,南京審計大學會計學院副教授,中國政府審計研究中心國際學術研究與交流部主任,澳大利亞新南威爾士大學(UNSW)會計學博士,澳大利亞注冊會計師,入選愛思唯爾2020年中國高被引學者。主要研究方向為審計、企業社會、公司金融責任等,主要成果發表在The Accounting Review, Journal of Business EthicsPacific Basin Finance JournalBritish Accounting ReviewAccounting and FinanceSSCI英文學術期刊,同時擔任AJPT, Journal of Accounting and Public PolicyJournal of Business EthicsAccounting and FinanceAccountingAuditing and Accountability JournalSSCI英文期刊匿名審稿人。從2021年起,擔任國際知名SSCIQ2)期刊《Accounting and Finance》副主編。
